

A queen, worth nine points, is undoubtedly the most powerful piece in the game. As they are easy to develop and have the unlimited ability to move diagonally, horizontally, or vertically, queens can change the game in an instant. By using it effectively, one can dominate any lesser piece. However, protecting one’s own queen must be a top priority, as losing it most likely could cost the game. Their lack of special moves is made up by their unlimited ability to move in any direction.

Movement and Attack:

Queens move and take pieces horizontally, vertically, and diagonally. Having the ability to move an unlimited amount of spots in their direction, queens can come thundering across the chessboard.

More Information:

More information on queens, such as tactics, their history, and strategies, can be found at the following links:

  1. http://www.learnchessrules.com/queens.htm
  2. https://www.chess.com/blog/kiwi_overtherainbow/chess-history–the

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